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Katalóg dát

ESS 4 - Európska sociálna sonda 2008
o výskume | zoznam premenných | prístup k dátam

Detail premennej NACER11

Názov: NACER11
Popis premennej: F22_Odvetvie firmy pre ktorú resp. pracuje_NACE11

Znenie otázky:
Čo robí firma/organizácia - špecifikuj odvetvie pre ktorú hlavne pracujete/pracovali ste ?

PopisHodnota Frekvencia*%*
Agriculture,hunting, related service activities 1 114 6.3
Forestry,logging,related service activities 2 9 0.5
Fishing, fish farming and related service activities 5 2 0.11
Mining of coal and lignite, extraction of peat 10 5 0.28
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 11 1 0.06
Mining of uranium and thorium ores 12 0 0
Mining of metal ores 13 6 0.33
Other mining and quarrying 14 2 0.11
Manufacture of food products and beverages 15 33 1.82
Manufacture of tobacco products 16 0 0
Manufacture of textiles 17 32 1.77
Manufacture wearing apparel,dressing,dyeing fur 18 58 3.2
Tanning and dressing of leather 19 10 0.55
Manufact wood,prod of wood,cork,except furniture 20 38 2.1
Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products 21 8 0.44
Publishing,printing,reprod of recorded media 22 2 0.11
Manufacture coke,refined petr prod, nuclear fuel 23 2 0.11
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 24 15 0.83
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 25 8 0.44
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral prod 26 14 0.77
Manufacture of basic metals 27 9 0.5
Manufact fabric metal prod,except machin,equipm 28 23 1.27
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 29 88 4.86
Manufacture of office machinery and computers 30 2 0.11
Manufacture of electric machinery,apparatus 31 10 0.55
Manufact radio,television,communic equip apparat 32 12 0.66
Manufact medic,precisi,opt instr,watches,clocks 33 0 0
Manufacture motor vehicles,trailers,semitrailers 34 25 1.38
Manufacture of other transport equipment 35 0 0
Manufacture of furniture manufacturing n.e.c. 36 37 2.04
Recycling 37 1 0.06
Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply 40 20 1.1
Collection, purification,distribution of water 41 5 0.28
Construction 45 131 7.24
Sale,mainten,repair motor vehicles,motorcycles 50 7 0.39
Wholesale trde,com trade,except m vehic,motorcycl 51 14 0.77
Retail trade,except motor vehicles,motorcycles 52 127 7.02
Hotels and restaurants 55 64 3.54
Land transport transport via pipelines 60 65 3.59
Water transport 61 2 0.11
Air transport 62 1 0.06
Supporting,auxiliary transp act travel agencies 63 3 0.17
Post and telecommunications 64 26 1.44
Financial intermed, except insurance,pension fund 65 19 1.05
Insurance,pension fund, except comp soc security 66 12 0.66
Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation 67 3 0.17
Real estate activities 70 4 0.22
Rent machine,equip without oper,of pers, hh good 71 0 0
Computer and related activities 72 12 0.66
Research and development, basic research 73 6 0.33
Other business activities 74 78 4.31
Public adm and defence,compulsory social security 75 112 6.19
Education 80 150 8.29
Health and social work 85 130 7.18
Sewage,refuse disposal, sanitation similar activ 90 4 0.22
Activities of membership organizations n.e.c. 91 1 0.06
Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 92 18 0.99
Other service activities 93 54 2.98
Private households with employed persons 95 0 0
Goods producing, private households for own use 96 1 0.06
Services producing,private households for own use 97 3 0.17
Extra-territorial organizations and bodies 99 0 0
Not applicable 666 117 6.46
Refusal 777 2 0.11
Don't know 888 0 0
No answer 999 53 2.93

Štatistika odpovedí

Celkový počet odpovedí: 1810
Platné odpovede: 1638
Minimálna / maximálna hodnota: 1 / 97
Priemer / štandardná odchýlka: 50.9823 / 27.0995

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*Upozornenie: Frekvencie a percentá sú počítané z neváženého dátového súboru. V prípade, že dáta neboli zbierané kvótnym výberom je potrebné tieto čísla brať len ako informatívne, nakoľko sa výsledné hodnoty v porovnaní s preváženým súborom môžu výraznejšie líšiť.
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