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ISSP Rodina a meniace sa rodové roly Slovensko 2022
o výskume | zoznam premenných | prístup k dátam

Detail premennej b19

Názov: b19
Popis premennej: B19 (SPISCO08) Uveďte názov hlavného zamestnania Vášho manžela(ky)/ partnera(ky).

Znenie otázky:
Uveďte názov hlavného zamestnania Vášho manžela(ky)/ partnera(ky). Popíšte ho čo najpodrobnejšie: aká je / bola náplň jeho/jej práce, čo má na starosti, atď. (Nestačí "robotník", prosíme o bližšie určenie, napr. robotník pri páse vo výrobe motorov. Alebo nestačí učiteľka, ale učiteľka na základnej škole.) Použite dve aj viacero slov, nepoužívajte skratky. Ak je/bol/a podnikateľ alebo živnostník, uveďte, v akej oblasti podniká / podnikal/a a aká je / bola náplň jeho/jej práce ZAPÍŠTE ČO NAJPODROBNEJŠIE!

PopisHodnota Frekvencia*%*
Commissioned armed forces officers 110 0 0
Non-commissioned armed forces officers 210 0 0
Armed forces occupations, other ranks 310 0 0
Managers 1000 0 0
Chief executives, senior officials and legislators 1100 0 0
Legislators and senior officials 1110 0 0
Legislators 1111 0 0
Senior government officials 1112 0 0
Traditional chiefs and heads of village 1113 2 0.25
Senior officials of special-interest organizations 1114 0 0
Managing directors and chief executives 1120 0 0
Administrative and commercial managers 1200 0 0
Business services and administration managers 1210 0 0
Finance managers 1211 1 0.12
Human resource managers 1212 0 0
Policy and planning managers 1213 0 0
Business services and administration managers not elsewhere 1219 0 0
Sales, marketing and development managers 1220 0 0
Sales and marketing managers 1221 0 0
Advertising and public relations managers 1222 0 0
Research and development managers 1223 0 0
Production and specialised services managers 1300 0 0
Production managers in agriculture, forestry and fisheries 1310 0 0
Agricultural and forestry production managers 1311 1 0.12
Aquaculture and fisheries production managers 1312 0 0
Manufacturing, mining, construction, and distribution manage 1320 0 0
Manufacturing managers 1321 0 0
Mining managers 1322 0 0
Construction managers 1323 5 0.62
Supply, distribution and related managers 1324 1 0.12
Information and communications technology service managers 1330 0 0
Professional services managers 1340 0 0
Child care services managers 1341 0 0
Health services managers 1342 0 0
Aged care services managers 1343 0 0
Social welfare managers 1344 0 0
Education managers 1345 0 0
Financial and insurance services branch managers 1346 0 0
Professional services managers not elsewhere classified 1349 0 0
Hospitality, retail and other services managers 1400 0 0
Hotel and restaurant managers 1410 0 0
Hotel managers 1411 0 0
Restaurant managers 1412 8 0.99
Retail and wholesale trade managers 1420 4 0.49
Other services managers 1430 0 0
Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers 1431 0 0
Services managers not elsewhere classified 1439 0 0
Professionals 2000 0 0
Science and engineering professionals 2100 0 0
Physical and earth science professionals 2110 0 0
Physicists and astronomers 2111 0 0
Meteorologists 2112 0 0
Chemists 2113 0 0
Geologists and geophysicists 2114 0 0
Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians 2120 0 0
Life science professionals 2130 0 0
Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals 2131 0 0
Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers 2132 1 0.12
Environmental protection professionals 2133 0 0
Engineering professionals (excluding electro technology) 2140 0 0
Industrial and production engineers 2141 4 0.49
Civil engineers 2142 0 0
Environmental engineers 2143 0 0
Mechanical engineers 2144 0 0
Chemical engineers 2145 0 0
Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals 2146 0 0
Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified 2149 0 0
Electro technology engineers 2150 0 0
Electrical engineers 2151 0 0
Electronics engineers 2152 1 0.12
Telecommunications engineers 2153 0 0
Architects, planners, surveyors and designers 2160 0 0
Building architects 2161 1 0.12
Landscape architects 2162 0 0
Product and garment designers 2163 0 0
Town and traffic planners 2164 0 0
Cartographers and surveyors 2165 1 0.12
Graphic and multimedia designers 2166 0 0
Health professionals 2200 0 0
Medical doctors 2210 0 0
Generalist medical practitioners 2211 0 0
Specialist medical practitioners 2212 4 0.49
Nursing and midwifery professionals 2220 0 0
Nursing professionals 2221 0 0
Midwifery professionals 2222 0 0
Traditional and complementary medicine professionals 2230 0 0
Paramedical practitioners 2240 0 0
Veterinarians 2250 0 0
Other health professionals 2260 0 0
Dentists 2261 1 0.12
Pharmacists 2262 2 0.25
Environmental and occupational health and hygiene profession 2263 0 0
Physiotherapists 2264 0 0
Dieticians and nutritionists 2265 0 0
Audiologists and speech therapists 2266 0 0
Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians 2267 0 0
Health professionals not elsewhere classified 2269 0 0
Teaching professionals 2300 0 0
University and higher education teachers 2310 4 0.49
Vocational education teachers 2320 4 0.49
Secondary education teachers 2330 4 0.49
Primary school and early childhood teachers 2340 0 0
Primary school teachers 2341 15 1.85
Early childhood educators 2342 9 1.11
Other teaching professionals 2350 0 0
Education methods specialists 2351 0 0
Special needs teachers 2352 0 0
Other language teachers 2353 0 0
Other music teachers 2354 0 0
Other arts teachers 2355 0 0
Information technology trainers 2356 0 0
Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified 2359 0 0
Business and administration professionals 2400 0 0
Finance professionals 2410 0 0
Accountants 2411 0 0
Financial and investment advisers 2412 1 0.12
Financial analysts 2413 0 0
Administration professionals 2420 0 0
Management and organization analysts 2421 0 0
Policy administration professionals 2422 0 0
Personnel and careers professionals 2423 0 0
Training and staff development professionals 2424 0 0
Sales, marketing and public relations professionals 2430 0 0
Advertising and marketing professionals 2431 0 0
Public relations professionals 2432 0 0
Technical and medical sales professionals (excluding ICT) 2433 0 0
Information and communications technology sales professional 2434 1 0.12
Information and communications technology professionals 2500 0 0
Software and applications developers and analysts 2510 0 0
Systems analysts 2511 0 0
Software developers 2512 0 0
Web and multimedia developers 2513 0 0
Applications programmers 2514 2 0.25
Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewh 2519 0 0
Database and network professionals 2520 0 0
Database designers and administrators 2521 0 0
Systems administrators 2522 0 0
Computer network professionals 2523 0 0
Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified 2529 0 0
Legal, social and cultural professionals 2600 0 0
Legal professionals 2610 0 0
Lawyers 2611 3 0.37
Judges 2612 1 0.12
Legal professionals not elsewhere classified 2619 0 0
Librarians, archivists and curators 2620 0 0
Archivists and curators 2621 0 0
Librarians and related information professionals 2622 0 0
Social and religious professionals 2630 0 0
Economists 2631 1 0.12
Sociologists, anthropologists and related professionals 2632 1 0.12
Philosophers, historians and political scientists 2633 0 0
Psychologists 2634 0 0
Social work and counselling professionals 2635 0 0
Religious professionals 2636 0 0
Authors, journalists and linguists 2640 0 0
Authors and related writers 2641 0 0
Journalists 2642 0 0
Translators, interpreters and other linguists 2643 0 0
Creative and performing artists 2650 0 0
Visual artists 2651 0 0
Musicians, singers and composers 2652 0 0
Dancers and choreographers 2653 0 0
Film, stage and related directors and producers 2654 0 0
Actors 2655 0 0
Announcers on radio, television and other media 2656 0 0
Creative and performing artists not elsewhere classified 2659 0 0
Technicians and associate professionals 3000 0 0
Science and engineering associate professionals 3100 0 0
Physical and engineering science technicians 3110 0 0
Chemical and physical science technicians 3111 0 0
Civil engineering technicians 3112 0 0
Electrical engineering technicians 3113 1 0.12
Electronics engineering technicians 3114 0 0
Mechanical engineering technicians 3115 0 0
Chemical engineering technicians 3116 0 0
Mining and metallurgical technicians 3117 0 0
Draughtspersons 3118 0 0
Physical and engineering science technicians not elsewhere c 3119 0 0
Mining, manufacturing and construction supervisors 3120 0 0
Mining supervisors 3121 0 0
Manufacturing supervisors 3122 3 0.37
Construction supervisors 3123 3 0.37
Process control technicians 3130 0 0
Power production plant operators 3131 1 0.12
Incinerator and water treatment plant operators 3132 0 0
Chemical processing plant controllers 3133 0 0
Petroleum and natural gas refining plant operators 3134 0 0
Metal production process controllers 3135 0 0
Process control technicians not elsewhere classified 3139 1 0.12
Life science technicians and related associate professionals 3140 0 0
Life science technicians (excluding medical) 3141 0 0
Agricultural technicians 3142 0 0
Forestry technicians 3143 0 0
Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians 3150 0 0
Ships' engineers 3151 0 0
Ships' deck officers and pilots 3152 0 0
Aircraft pilots and related associate professionals 3153 0 0
Air traffic controllers 3154 0 0
Air traffic safety electronics technicians 3155 0 0
Health associate professionals 3200 0 0
Medical and pharmaceutical technicians 3210 0 0
Medical imaging and therapeutic equipment technicians 3211 0 0
Medical and pathology laboratory technicians 3212 1 0.12
Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants 3213 0 0
Medical and dental prosthetic technicians 3214 0 0
Nursing and midwifery associate professionals 3220 0 0
Nursing associate professionals 3221 14 1.73
Midwifery associate professionals 3222 0 0
Traditional and complementary medicine associate professiona 3230 0 0
Veterinary technicians and assistants 3240 0 0
Other health associate professionals 3250 0 0
Dental assistants and therapists 3251 0 0
Medical records and health information technicians 3252 0 0
Community health workers 3253 0 0
Dispensing opticians 3254 0 0
Physiotherapy technicians and assistants 3255 1 0.12
Medical assistants 3256 0 0
Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associa 3257 2 0.25
Ambulance workers 3258 0 0
Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified 3259 0 0
Business and administration associate professionals 3300 0 0
Financial and mathematical associate professionals 3310 0 0
Securities and finance dealers and brokers 3311 0 0
Credit and loans officers 3312 0 0
Accounting associate professionals 3313 12 1.48
Statistical, mathematical and related associate professional 3314 0 0
Valuers and loss assessors 3315 0 0
Sales and purchasing agents and brokers 3320 0 0
Insurance representatives 3321 2 0.25
Commercial sales representatives 3322 1 0.12
Buyers 3323 0 0
Trade brokers 3324 2 0.25
Business services agents 3330 0 0
Clearing and forwarding agents 3331 0 0
Conference and event planners 3332 0 0
Employment agents and contractors 3333 0 0
Real estate agents and property managers 3334 1 0.12
Business services agents not elsewhere classified 3339 0 0
Administrative and specialised secretaries 3340 0 0
Office supervisors 3341 0 0
Legal secretaries 3342 1 0.12
Administrative and executive secretaries 3343 0 0
Medical secretaries 3344 0 0
Regulatory government associate professionals 3350 0 0
Customs and border inspectors 3351 0 0
Government tax and excise officials 3352 2 0.25
Government social benefits officials 3353 2 0.25
Government licensing officials 3354 2 0.25
Police inspectors and detectives 3355 0 0
Regulatory government associate professionals not elsewhere 3359 0 0
Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals 3400 0 0
Legal, social and religious associate professionals 3410 0 0
Police inspectors and detectives 3411 0 0
Social work associate professionals 3412 1 0.12
Religious associate professionals 3413 0 0
Sports and fitness workers 3420 0 0
Athletes and sports players 3421 0 0
Sports coaches, instructors and officials 3422 0 0
Fitness and recreation instructors and program leaders 3423 1 0.12
Artistic, cultural and culinary associate professionals 3430 0 0
Photographers 3431 0 0
Interior designers and decorators 3432 1 0.12
Gallery, museum and library technicians 3433 0 0
Chefs 3434 0 0
Other artistic and cultural associate professionals 3435 0 0
Information and communications technicians 3500 0 0
Information and communications technology operations and use 3510 0 0
Information and communications technology operations technic 3511 0 0
Information and communications technology user support techn 3512 3 0.37
Computer network and systems technicians 3513 1 0.12
Web technicians 3514 0 0
Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians 3520 0 0
Broadcasting and audio-visual technicians 3521 0 0
Telecommunications engineering technicians 3522 0 0
Clerical support workers 4000 0 0
General and keyboard clerks 4100 0 0
General office clerks 4110 2 0.25
Secretaries (general) 4120 1 0.12
Keyboard operators 4130 0 0
Typists and word processing operators 4131 0 0
Data entry clerks 4132 0 0
Customer services clerks 4200 0 0
Tellers, money collectors and related clerks 4210 0 0
Bank tellers and related clerks 4211 4 0.49
Bookmakers, croupiers and related gaming workers 4212 0 0
Pawnbrokers and money-lenders 4213 0 0
Debt-collectors and related workers 4214 0 0
Client information workers 4220 0 0
Travel consultants and clerks 4221 0 0
Contact centre information clerks 4222 2 0.25
Telephone switchboard operators 4223 1 0.12
Hotel receptionists 4224 0 0
Enquiry clerks 4225 0 0
Receptionists (general) 4226 0 0
Survey and market research interviewers 4227 0 0
Client information workers not elsewhere classified 4229 0 0
Numerical and material recording clerks 4300 0 0
Numerical clerks 4310 0 0
Accounting and bookkeeping clerks 4311 4 0.49
Statistical, finance and insurance clerks 4312 2 0.25
Payroll clerks 4313 2 0.25
Material-recording and transport clerks 4320 0 0
Stock clerks 4321 4 0.49
Production clerks 4322 0 0
Transport clerks 4323 1 0.12
Other clerical support workers 4400 0 0
Other clerical support workers 4410 0 0
Library clerks 4411 0 0
Mail carriers and sorting clerks 4412 8 0.99
Coding, proof-reading and related clerks 4413 0 0
Scribes and related workers 4414 0 0
Filing and copying clerks 4415 1 0.12
Personnel clerks 4416 0 0
Clerical support workers not elsewhere classified 4419 0 0
Service and sales workers 5000 0 0
Personal service workers 5100 0 0
Travel attendants, conductors and guides 5110 0 0
Travel attendants and travel stewards 5111 0 0
Transport conductors 5112 0 0
Travel guides 5113 0 0
Cooks 5120 26 3.21
Waiters and bartenders 5130 0 0
Waiters 5131 7 0.86
Bartenders 5132 1 0.12
Hairdressers, beauticians and related workers 5140 0 0
Hairdressers 5141 7 0.86
Beauticians and related workers 5142 2 0.25
Building and housekeeping supervisors 5150 0 0
Cleaning and housekeeping supervisors in offices, hotels and 5151 0 0
Domestic housekeepers 5152 0 0
Building caretakers 5153 6 0.74
Other personal services workers 5160 0 0
Astrologers, fortune-tellers and related workers 5161 0 0
Companions and valets 5162 0 0
Undertakers and embalmers 5163 0 0
Pet groomers and animal care workers 5164 0 0
Driving instructors 5165 2 0.25
Personal services workers not elsewhere classified 5169 0 0
Sales workers 5200 0 0
Street and market salespersons 5210 0 0
Stall and market salespersons 5211 0 0
Street food salespersons 5212 0 0
Shop salespersons 5220 0 0
Shop keepers 5221 0 0
Shop supervisors 5222 5 0.62
Shop sales assistants 5223 57 7.03
Cashiers and ticket clerks 5230 3 0.37
Other sales workers 5240 0 0
Fashion and other models 5241 0 0
Sales demonstrators 5242 0 0
Door to door salespersons 5243 0 0
Contact centre salespersons 5244 0 0
Service station attendants 5245 0 0
Food service counter attendants 5246 0 0
Sales workers not elsewhere classified 5249 0 0
Personal care workers 5300 0 0
Child care workers and teachers' aides 5310 0 0
Child care workers 5311 0 0
Teachers' aides 5312 4 0.49
Personal care workers in health services 5320 0 0
Health care assistants 5321 4 0.49
Home-based personal care workers 5322 3 0.37
Personal care workers in health services not elsewhere class 5329 0 0
Protective services workers 5400 0 0
Protective services workers 5410 0 0
Fire-fighters 5411 1 0.12
Police officers 5412 1 0.12
Prison guards 5413 0 0
Security guards 5414 6 0.74
Protective services workers not elsewhere classified 5419 0 0
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 6000 0 0
Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers 6100 0 0
Market gardeners and crop growers 6110 0 0
Field crop and vegetable growers 6111 1 0.12
Tree and shrub crop growers 6112 0 0
Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers 6113 0 0
Mixed crop growers 6114 1 0.12
Animal producers 6120 0 0
Livestock and dairy producers 6121 0 0
Poultry producers 6122 0 0
Apiarists and sericulturists 6123 0 0
Animal producers not elsewhere classified 6129 0 0
Mixed crop and animal producers 6130 0 0
Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting worker 6200 0 0
Forestry and related workers 6210 1 0.12
Fishery workers, hunters and trappers 6220 0 0
Aquaculture workers 6221 0 0
Inland and coastal waters fishery workers 6222 0 0
Deep-sea fishery workers 6223 0 0
Hunters and trappers 6224 0 0
Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers 6300 0 0
Subsistence crop farmers 6310 0 0
Subsistence livestock farmers 6320 0 0
Subsistence mixed crop and livestock farmers 6330 0 0
Subsistence fishers, hunters, trappers and gatherers 6340 0 0
Craft and related trades workers 7000 0 0
Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians 7100 0 0
Building frame and related trades workers 7110 0 0
House builders 7111 2 0.25
Bricklayers and related workers 7112 5 0.62
Stonemasons, stone cutters, splitters and carvers 7113 0 0
Concrete placers, concrete finishers and related workers 7114 0 0
Carpenters and joiners 7115 2 0.25
Building frame and related trades workers not elsewhere clas 7119 0 0
Building finishers and related trades workers 7120 0 0
Roofers 7121 0 0
Floor layers and tile setters 7122 0 0
Plasterers 7123 1 0.12
Insulation workers 7124 0 0
Glaziers 7125 0 0
Plumbers and pipe fitters 7126 0 0
Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics 7127 0 0
Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades wor 7130 0 0
Painters and related workers 7131 2 0.25
Spray painters and varnishers 7132 1 0.12
Building structure cleaners 7133 1 0.12
Metal, machinery and related trades workers 7200 0 0
Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders, an 7210 0 0
Metal moulders and coremakers 7211 0 0
Welders and flamecutters 7212 2 0.25
Sheet-metal workers 7213 1 0.12
Structural-metal preparers and erectors 7214 0 0
Riggers and cable splicers 7215 0 0
Blacksmiths, toolmakers and related trades workers 7220 0 0
Blacksmiths, hammersmiths and forging press workers 7221 0 0
Toolmakers and related workers 7222 0 0
Metal working machine tool setters and operators 7223 2 0.25
Metal polishers, wheel grinders and tool sharpeners 7224 2 0.25
Machinery mechanics and repairers 7230 0 0
Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers 7231 6 0.74
Aircraft engine mechanics and repairers 7232 0 0
Agricultural and industrial machinery mechanics and repairer 7233 7 0.86
Bicycle and related repairers 7234 0 0
Handicraft and printing workers 7300 0 0
Handicraft workers 7310 0 0
Precision-instrument makers and repairers 7311 0 0
Musical instrument makers and tuners 7312 0 0
Jewellery and precious-metal workers 7313 0 0
Potters and related workers 7314 0 0
Glass makers, cutters, grinders and finishers 7315 0 0
Sign writers, decorative painters, engravers and etchers 7316 0 0
Handicraft workers in wood, basketry and related materials 7317 0 0
Handicraft workers in textile, leather and related materials 7318 0 0
Handicraft workers not elsewhere classified 7319 0 0
Printing trades workers 7320 0 0
Pre-press technicians 7321 1 0.12
Printers 7322 0 0
Print finishing and binding workers 7323 0 0
Electrical and electronic trades workers 7400 0 0
Electrical equipment installers and repairers 7410 0 0
Building and related electricians 7411 6 0.74
Electrical mechanics and fitters 7412 1 0.12
Electrical line installers and repairers 7413 1 0.12
Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers 7420 0 0
Electronics mechanics and servicers 7421 0 0
Information and communications technology installers and ser 7422 0 0
Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and r 7500 0 0
Food processing and related trades workers 7510 0 0
Butchers, fishmongers and related food preparers 7511 2 0.25
Bakers, pastry-cooks and confectionery makers 7512 2 0.25
Dairy-products makers 7513 0 0
Fruit, vegetable and related preservers 7514 0 0
Food and beverage tasters and graders 7515 0 0
Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers 7516 0 0
Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers 7520 0 0
Wood treaters 7521 0 0
Cabinet-makers and related workers 7522 4 0.49
Woodworking-machine tool setters and operators 7523 0 0
Garment and related trades workers 7530 0 0
Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and hatters 7531 5 0.62
Garment and related pattern-makers and cutters 7532 0 0
Sewing, embroidery and related workers 7533 0 0
Upholsterers and related workers 7534 0 0
Pelt dressers, tanners and fellmongers 7535 0 0
Shoemakers and related workers 7536 0 0
Other craft and related workers 7540 0 0
Underwater divers 7541 0 0
Shotfirers and blasters 7542 0 0
Product graders and testers (excluding foods and beverages) 7543 4 0.49
Fumigators and other pest and weed controllers 7544 0 0
Craft and related workers not elsewhere classified 7549 0 0
Plant and machine operators, and assemblers 8000 0 0
Stationary plant and machine operators 8100 0 0
Mining and mineral processing plant operators 8110 0 0
Miners and quarriers 8111 5 0.62
Mineral and stone processing plant operators 8112 0 0
Well drillers and borers and related workers 8113 0 0
Cement, stone and other mineral products machine operators 8114 0 0
Metal processing and finishing plant operators 8120 0 0
Metal processing plant operators 8121 0 0
Metal finishing, plating and coating machine operators 8122 5 0.62
Chemical and photographic products plant and machine operato 8130 0 0
Chemical products plant and machine operators 8131 0 0
Photographic products machine operators 8132 0 0
Rubber, plastic and paper products machine operators 8140 0 0
Rubber products machine operators 8141 2 0.25
Plastic products machine operators 8142 1 0.12
Paper products machine operators 8143 0 0
Textile, fur and leather products machine operators 8150 0 0
Fibre preparing, spinning and winding machine operators 8151 2 0.25
Weaving and knitting machine operators 8152 0 0
Sewing machine operators 8153 3 0.37
Bleaching, dyeing and fabric cleaning machine operators 8154 0 0
Fur and leather preparing machine operators 8155 1 0.12
Shoemaking and related machine operators 8156 1 0.12
Laundry machine operators 8157 0 0
Textile, fur and leather products machine operators not else 8159 0 0
Food and related products machine operators 8160 2 0.25
Wood processing and papermaking plant operators 8170 0 0
Pulp and papermaking plant operators 8171 0 0
Wood processing plant operators 8172 0 0
Other stationary plant and machine operators 8180 0 0
Glass and ceramics plant operators 8181 0 0
Steam engine and boiler operators 8182 0 0
Packing, bottling and labelling machine operators 8183 4 0.49
Stationary plant and machine operators not elsewhere classif 8189 0 0
Assemblers 8200 0 0
Assemblers 8210 0 0
Mechanical machinery assemblers 8211 3 0.37
Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers 8212 0 0
Assemblers not elsewhere classified 8219 0 0
Drivers and mobile plant operators 8300 0 0
Locomotive engine drivers and related workers 8310 0 0
Locomotive engine drivers 8311 0 0
Railway brake, signal and switch operators 8312 4 0.49
Car, van and motorcycle drivers 8320 0 0
Motorcycle drivers 8321 0 0
Car, taxi and van drivers 8322 7 0.86
Heavy truck and bus drivers 8330 0 0
Bus and tram drivers 8331 10 1.23
Heavy truck and lorry drivers 8332 21 2.59
Mobile plant operators 8340 0 0
Mobile farm and forestry plant operators 8341 9 1.11
Earthmoving and related plant operators 8342 1 0.12
Crane, hoist and related plant operators 8343 1 0.12
Lifting truck operators 8344 0 0
Ships' deck crews and related workers 8350 0 0
Elementary occupations 9000 0 0
Cleaners and helpers 9100 0 0
Domestic, hotel and office cleaners and helpers 9110 0 0
Domestic cleaners and helpers 9111 0 0
Cleaners and helpers in offices, hotels and other establishm 9112 15 1.85
Vehicle, window, laundry and other hand cleaning workers 9120 0 0
Hand launderers and pressers 9121 0 0
Vehicle cleaners 9122 0 0
Window cleaners 9123 0 0
Other cleaning workers 9129 0 0
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers 9200 0 0
Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers 9210 0 0
Crop farm labourers 9211 0 0
Livestock farm labourers 9212 4 0.49
Mixed crop and livestock farm labourers 9213 1 0.12
Garden and horticultural labourers 9214 3 0.37
Forestry labourers 9215 2 0.25
Fishery and aquaculture labourers 9216 0 0
Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transpo 9300 0 0
Mining and construction labourers 9310 0 0
Mining and quarrying labourers 9311 0 0
Civil engineering labourers 9312 0 0
Building construction labourers 9313 0 0
Manufacturing labourers 9320 0 0
Hand packers 9321 0 0
Manufacturing labourers not elsewhere classified 9329 0 0
Transport and storage labourers 9330 0 0
Hand and pedal vehicle drivers 9331 0 0
Drivers of animal-drawn vehicles and machinery 9332 0 0
Freight handlers 9333 0 0
Shelf fillers 9334 0 0
Food preparation assistants 9400 0 0
Food preparation assistants 9410 0 0
Fast food preparers 9411 0 0
Kitchen helpers 9412 2 0.25
Street and related sales and service workers 9500 0 0
Street and related service workers 9510 0 0
Street vendors (excluding food) 9520 0 0
Refuse workers and other elementary workers 9600 0 0
Refuse workers 9610 0 0
Garbage and recycling collectors 9611 0 0
Refuse sorters 9612 1 0.12
Sweepers and related labourers 9613 1 0.12
Other elementary workers 9620 0 0
Messengers, package deliverers and luggage porters 9621 0 0
Odd job persons 9622 0 0
Meter readers and vending-machine collectors 9623 0 0
Water and firewood collectors 9624 0 0
Elementary workers not elsewhere classified 9629 0 0
Don't know, inadequately described 99998 3 0.37
No answer 99999 2 0.25
Sysmiss 323 39.83

Štatistika odpovedí

Celkový počet odpovedí:
Platné odpovede: 488
Minimálna / maximálna hodnota: 323 /
Priemer / štandardná odchýlka: /

[ predošlá premenná ] | [ nasledujúca premenná ][ spät ]

*Upozornenie: Frekvencie a percentá sú počítané z neváženého dátového súboru. V prípade, že dáta neboli zbierané kvótnym výberom je potrebné tieto čísla brať len ako informatívne, nakoľko sa výsledné hodnoty v porovnaní s preváženým súborom môžu výraznejšie líšiť.
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