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English language Slovensky

Data catalogue

How Are You, Slovakia?, April / May 2023 [ SASD 2023001 ]

How Are You, Slovakia?, November 2022 [ SASD 2022006 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, July 2022 [ SASD 2022005 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, March / April 2022 [ SASD 2022004 ]
How are you, Slovakia?, Special survey February / March 2022 [ SASD 2022003 ]
ISSP Family and Changing Gender Roles Slovakia 2022 [ SASD 2022002 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, February / March 2022 [ SASD 2022001 ]

ISSP Slovakia 2021 [ SASD 2021007 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, December 2021 [ SASD 2021006 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, October 2021 [ SASD 2021005 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, July 2021 [ SASD 2021004 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, May 2021 [ SASD 2021003 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, March 2021 [ SASD 2021002 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, January / February 2021 [ SASD 2021001 ]

Brain drain 2020 [ SASD 2020009 ]
CSES a ISSP Slovakia 2020 [ SASD 2020008 ]
Values and society during the Covid-19 pandemic [ SASD 2020007 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, December 2020 [ SASD 2020006 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, October / November 2020 [ SASD 2020005 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, September 2020 [ SASD 2020004 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, May 2020 [ SASD 2020003 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, April 2020 [ SASD 2020002 ]
How Are You, Slovakia?, March 2020 [ SASD 2020001 ]

ISSP Religion Slovakia 2018 [ SASD 2018001 ]

Culture and value system of the population of Slovak republic 2017 [ SASD 2017002 ]
ISSP Sociálne siete Slovensko 2017 [ SASD 2017001 ]

Elder care providers in Austria 2016 [ SASD 2016003 ]
CSES and ISSP Slovakia 2016 [ SASD 2016002 ]
ISSP Pracovné orientácie Slovensko 2016 [ SASD 2016001 ]

Public attitudes to the election of the President of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic VI-NS 2014 [ SASD 2014005 ]
Public attitudes to decision-making on new construction and territory development VI-PVVR 2014 [ SASD2014004 ]
Demokratickosť a občania na Slovensku, 2014, DOS 2014 [ SASD 2014003 ]
Brain drain 2014 [ SASD 2014002 ]
ISSP Slovensko 2014 [ SASD 2014001 ]

Public attitudes to justice VI-DKS 2013 [ SASD 2013001 ]

Views on the selection of judges VI-VS 2012 [ SASD 2012002 ]
ISSP Slovensko 2012 [ SASD 2012001 ]

Leisure time by high school students 2011 [ SASD 2011004 ]
Prehľad etnicity obyvateľstva obcí Slovenska v sčítaniach 1880-2011 [ SASD 2011003 ]
Prehľad konfesionality obyvateľstva obcí Slovenska v sčítaniach 1869-2011 [ SASD 2011002 ]
Opatrovateľky seniorov v Rakúsku 2011 [ SASD 2011001 ]

Responsibility of politicians VI-ZP 2010 [ SASD 2010003 ]
Voličské správanie na Slovensku, CSES Slovensko 2010 [SASD 2010002]
Electronic database of parliamentary elections results in all Slovak municipalities from 1929 [ SASD 2010001 ]

Leisure time by high school students 2009 [ SASD 2009003 ]
Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic 2008 [ SASD 2009002 ]
ISSP Slovensko 2009-2010 [SASD 2009001]

Názory občanov na budúcnosť Slovenska 2008 [ SASD 2008006 ]
Equality and Minorities in Slovakia 2008 [SASD 2008005]
ESS4 - 2008 European Social Survey Round 4 [SASD 2008004]
Citizenship and Participation in Slovakia 2008 [SASD 2008003]
ISSP na Slovensku 2006 - 2008 [SASD 2008002]
EVS - Výskum európskych hodnôt 2008 [SASD 2008001]

Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic [ SASD 2007003 ]
A culture of coexistence of inhabitants of nationally mixed areas of southern Slovakia [ SASD 2007002 ]
Leisure time by high school students, the relationship of young people to reading and the media [ SASD 2007001 ]

Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic 2006 [ SASD 2006005 ]
Holidays and traditions in the life of the people of the Slovak republic [ SASD 2006004 ]
Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic - first half of 2006 [ SASD 2006003 ]
ESS3 - 2006 European Social Survey Round 3 [SASD 2006002]
Slovakia on the Way to Gender Equality 2006 [SASD 2006001]

Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic [ SASD 2005003 ]
Monitoring the results of implementation of cultural policy instruments in the field of cultural awareness of citizens of the Slovak Republic [ SASD 2005002 ]
ISSP Citizenship 2004 [SASD 2005001]

Public and fine arts 2004 [ SASD 2004005 ]
EES - European Election Study 2004 [SASD 2004004]
ESS2 - 2004 European Social Survey Round 2 [SASD 2004003]
Society 2004 [SASD 2004002]
National Identity in Slovakia & ISSP 2003 [SASD 2004001]

Appropriate ways of spending leisure time for young people to prevent different types of addiction [ SASD 2003003 ]
The relationship of the Slovak population to theater art [ SASD 2003002 ]
Collective Identities in Contemporary Slovakia 2003 [SASD 2003001]

The relationship of the Slovak population to literature [ SASD 2002002 ]
ISSP Family and changing gender roles III 2002 [SASD 2002001]

Slovaks and Hungarians in the nationally mixed areas of southern Slovakia [ SASD 2001004 ]
Accessibility of culture and local culture from the point of view of citizens of the Slovak republic [ SASD 2001003 ]
The relationship of the Slovak population to music The relationship of the Slovak population to music [ SSSD 2001002 ]
ISSP Social Inequality III 1999 [SASD 2001001]

Language culture in Slovakia [ SASD 2000002 ]
Political Culture in Central and Eastern Europe (PCE 2000) [SASD 2000001]

EVS - European Values Study 1999 [SASD 1999002]
Slovakia's Topical Problems. January 1999 [SASD 1999001]

Slovensko a EÚ 1998 [ SASD 1998003 ]
WVS - World Values Survey 1998 [SASD 1998002]
ISSP Religion 1998 [SASD 1998001]

Aktuálne problémy Slovenska. Október 1997 [ SASD 1997001 ]

ISSP National Identity I 1995 [SASD 1996001]

Aktuálne problémy Slovenska. December 1995 [ SASD 1995002 ]
Stratégie a aktéri sociálnej transformácie a modernizácie 1995. Slovensko [ SASD 1995001 ]

Aktuálne problémy Slovenska. December 1994 [ SASD 1994002 ]
Aktuálne problémy Slovenska. Máj 1994 [ SASD 1994001 ]

Názory na spoločenské zmeny 1993 [ SASD 1993004 ]
Aktuálne problémy Slovenska po rozpade ČSFR. Október 1993 [ SASD 1993003 ]
Aktuálne problémy Slovenska po rozpade ČSFR. Marec 1993 [ SASD 1993002 ]
Social Stratification in Eastern Europe After 1989 (general population, Slovak Republic) [SASD 1993001]

Slovensko pred voľbami. Apríl 1992 [ SASD 1992004 ]
Aktuálne problémy Česko-Slovenska, január 1992 [ SASD 1992003 ]
ISSP Social Inequality II 1992 [SASD 1992002]
Continuity and Change in Slovakia. September 1992 [SASD 1992001]

Slovensko. Júl 1991 [ SASD 1991002 ]
EVS - European Values Study 1991 [SASD 1991001]

WVS - World Values Survey 1990 [SASD 1990001]

Svetonázor na Slovensku 1989 [ SASD 1989001 ]

O svetonázorových postojoch obyvateľov Slovenska 1968, SPOS 1968 [ SASD 1968002 ]
Postoje občanov k politike 1968 (POP 1968) [ SASD 1968001 ]

Archived datasets: 105
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(c) Slovak Archive of Social Data, 2004 - 2024