Data Data catalogue ISSP Religion Slovakia 2018 study description | list of variables | data access Identification Number: SASD 2018001 Author: Bahna, Miloslav, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Klobucký, Robert, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Krivý, Vladimír, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Zeman, Milan, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Zagrapan, Jozef, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Sopóci, Ján, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava; Džambazovič, Roman, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava; Gyárfášová, Oľga, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava Date of collection: 2018-10-12 to 2018-11-19 Data collector: MEDIAN SK, s.r.o. Sampling procedure: Vytvorenie reprezentatívnej vzorky zo základného súboru bolo uskutočnené náhodným výberom z registra obcí a miest SR (založený na proporciách obyvateľstva vo veku 18+ podľa kraja a veľkosti miesta bydliska). Vzorka mala rozsah 200 územných výberových jednotiek, v ktorých sa náhodnou prechádzkou robil výber domácnosti. V každej výberovej jednotke sa uskutočnilo 7 - 9 rozhovorov. Respondentom sa stal ten člen domácnosti, ktorý mal viac ako 18 rokov a bude mať v najbližšom termíne narodeniny. Rozhovor prebiehal osobným opytovaním. Number of cases: 1325 Abstract: The "ISSP Religion Slovakia 2018" is a module of an international comparative research project ISSP. It has been conducted for a third time in Slovakia (previously in 1998 and 2008) and the fourth time overall in ISSP (1991, 1998, 2008, 2018). The major centre of attention of the module is on attitudes towards religion and religious practices. It covers various questions on religious life and belief, such as role of marriage and its importance in society, relationship between religion and science, belief in God, heaven, hell and afterlife, religious orientation, spirituality, morals, the meaning of life, gender roles, pre-marriage coexistence, as well as question focusing on attitudes towards homosexuality, abortions, trust and more. The data also include national specific questions that deal with self-placement on an ideological conservative-liberal scale, trust in various global political leaders, health, and questions that are part of methodological split-ballot experiments. Citation: Sociologický ústav SAV. ISSP Náboženstvo Slovensko 2018. [dátový súbor]. Slovenský archív sociálnych dát, 2020. SASD2018001. Verzia 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34877/sasd-2018001. Availability status: O - prístupný pre verejnosť Other Study-Related Materials:Data access request form can be found here. The complete documentation in DDI format can be found here. [ back ]