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How are you, Slovakia?, Special survey February / March 2022
study description | list of variables | data access

Identification Number: SASD 2022003
Author: MNFORCE, s.r.o.; Seesame, s.r.o., ; Sociologický ústav SAV, v. v. i., ; Ústav výskumu sociálnej komunikácie SAV, v. v. i.,
Date of collection: 2022-02-25 to 2022-03-01
Data collector: MNFORCE, s.r.o.
Sampling procedure: Výskum bol realizovaný kvótnym výberom z online panelu spoločnosti MNFORCE. Vzorka bola vyberaná tak aby bola reprezentatívna pre nasledovné socio-demografické znaky: pohlavie, vek, kraj, veľkosť miesta bydliska a vzdelanie respondenta. Výskum pokrýva len populáciu, ktorá disponuje pripojením na internet. Vo výskume teda absentujú najmä starší respondenti bez pripojenia na internet.
Number of cases: 1000

Abstract: Special research wave of the research series "How are you, Slovakia?" was a reaction to the attack of the Russian Federation troops on Ukraine and was fielded between 25 February and 1 March 2022. The war in Ukraine began in the early hours of 24 February with the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine. Since the beginning of the invasion, attacks on military and non-military targets and civilian casualties have been reported. Most of the Western world, as well as the European Union, has condemned the Russian aggression and imposed tough economic sanctions. Thousands of war refugees began to arrive in Slovakia from the territory of Ukraine. The survey monitors respondents' fears of war, willingness to help refugees, and preferred response to the attack on Ukraine. It also ascertains respondents' geopolitical orientation, views on responsibility for the war conflict, and attitudes toward NATO. The survey is the first special research wave within "How Are You, Slovakia?" and was conducted in parallel with the thirteenth regular research wave of the "How Are You, Slovakia?" survey series.

Citation: MNFORCE, s.r.o., Seesame, s.r.o., Sociologický ústav SAV, Ústav výskumu sociálnej komunikácie SAV. Ako sa máte, Slovensko?, mimoriadny prieskum Február / marec 2022. [dátový súbor]. Slovenský archív sociálnych dát, 2023. SASD2022003. Verzia 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34877/sasd-2022003.
Availability status: O files accessible "online" on the internet, their use is valid under standard conditions

Other Study-Related Materials:Data access request form can be found here.

The complete documentation in DDI format can be found here.
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