study description | list of variables | data access
Variable groups:Variables in variable group "Archivation Information":Variables in variable group "Social Inequality_ISSP 2009":- Q1A
Q1a. How important is coming from a wealthy family?
- Q1B
Q1b. How important is having well-educated parents?
- Q1C
Q1c. How important is having a good education yourself?
- Q1D
Q1d. How important is having ambition?
- Q1E
Q1e. How important is hard work?
- Q1F
Q1f. How important is knowing the right people?
- Q1G
Q1g. How important is having political connections?
- Q1H
Q1h. How important is giving bribes?
- Q1I
Q1i. How important is a persons race?
- Q1J
Q1j. How important is a persons religions?
- Q1K
Q1k. How important is being born a man or a women?
- Q2A
Q2a. To get all the way to the top in Slovakia today, you have to be corrupt.
- Q2B
Q2b. In Slovakia only students from the best secondary schools have a good chance to obtain a university education.
- Q2C
Q2c. In Slovakia only the rich can afford the costs of attending university.
- Q2D
Q2d. In Slovakia people have the same chances to enter university, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or social backg
- Q3
Q3. Would you say that you earn much less or much more than deserved?
- Q4A
Q4a. How much they actually earn each month after taxes: a doctor in general practise
- Q4B
Q4b. How much they actually earn each month after taxes: a chairman of a large national corporation
- Q4C
Q4c. How much they actually earn each month after taxes: a shop assistant
- Q4D
Q4d. How much they actually earn each month after taxes: an unskilled worker in a factory
- Q4E
Q4e. How much they actually earn each month after taxes: a cabinet minister in the Slovak government
- Q5A
Q5a. How much they should earn each month after taxes: a doctor in general practise
- Q5B
Q5b. How much they should earn each month after taxes: a chairman of a large national corporation
- Q5C
Q5c. How much they should earn each month after taxes: a shop assistant
- Q5D
Q5d. How much they should earn each month after taxes: an unskilled worker in a factory
- Q5E
Q5e. How much they should earn each month after taxes: a cabinet minister in the Slovak government
- Q6A
Q6a. Differences in income in Slovakia are too large
- Q6B
Q6b. It is responsibility of government to reduce the differences in income between people with high incomes and those w
- Q6C
Q6c. The government should provide a decent standart of living for the unemployed.
- Q6D
Q6d. The government should spend less on benefits for the poor.
- Q6E
Q6e. Vláda by mala vydávať menej prostriedkov na starobné dôchodky.
- Q6F
Q6f. Súkromné podnikanie je najlepší spôsob ako riešiť hospodárske problémy na Slovensku.
- Q7
Q7. Do you think people with high incomes should pay a larger share of their income in taxes than those with low income,
- Q8
Q8. How would you describe taxes in Slovakia today for those with high incomes?
- Q10
Q10. Is it just or unjust, right or wrong that people with higher incomes can buy better education for their children th
- Q11A
- Q11B
- Q11C
- Q11D
- Q12
Q12. In our society there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom. Wh
- Q13
Q13. When you think about the family that you grew up in, where did they fit in then?
- Q16
Q16. Think about your present job, if you compare this job to the job your father had when you were 15, would you say th
- Q17A
Q17a. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - how much responsibility goes with the job?
- Q17B
Q17b. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - the number of years spent in education and training?
- Q17C
Q17c. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - what is needed to support a family?
- Q17D
Q17d. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - whether the person has children to support?
- Q17E
Q17e. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - how well he or she does the job?
- Q17F
Q17f. How important do you think that ought to be in deciding pay - how hard he or she works at the job?
- Q18
Q18. Is your pay just? We are not asking about how much you would like to earn, but what you fell is just given your ski
- Q19A
Q19a. What type of society is Slovakia today? Which diagram and describtions comes closest?
- Q19B
- Q20
Q20. When you where 15 years old, for whom did your father work?
- Q21
Q21. When you where 15 years old, what kind of work did your father do, what was his main occupation?
- Q22
Q22. When you where 15 years old, did your mother work outside the household?
- Q23
Q23. In her last job - i.e. when or before you where 15 years old, for whom did your mother work?
- Q24
Q24. When you where 15 years old, what kind of work did your mother do, what vas her main occupation?
- Q25
Q25. About how many books were there around your familys house when you were 15 years old?
- Q26
Q26. In your first job after leaving full-time education, for whom did you work?
- Q27
Q27. In this first job, what was your main occupation?
- Q28
Q28. Most people see themselves as belonging to a particular class. Tell me which social class you would say you belong
- Q31
Q31. About how much money would be left if the home or apartment you and your immediate family live in was sold, and any
- Q32
Q32. About how much money would be left if you and or your immediate family converted to cash all savings, stocks, or bo
Variables in variable group "Social Inequality Slovakia":- Q1L
Q1l. How important is žiť v prosperujúcom regióne?
- Q1M
Q1m. How important is byť mladý?
- Q1N
Q1n. How important is mať odvahu ísť za prácou do zahraničia?
- Q2E
Q2e. Na Slovensku majú všetci rovnaké šance dosiahnuť v živote úspech.
- Q4F
Q4f. Aký je, podľa Vás, skutočný čistý mesačný príjem ľudí v nasledujúcich zamestnaniach (v eurách): učiteľ na strednej
- Q4G
Q4g. Aký je, podľa Vás, skutočný čistý mesačný príjem ľudí v nasledujúcich zamestnaniach (v eurách): ľudia vo vašom povo
- Q5F
Q5f. Aký by mal byť, podľa Vás, ich čistý mesačný príjem - bez ohľadu na to, koľko skutočne dostávajú (v eurách): učiteľ
- Q5G
Q5g. Aký by mal byť, podľa Vás, ich čistý mesačný príjem - bez ohľadu na to, koľko skutočne dostávajú (v eurách): ľudia
- Q9
Q9. Is it just or unjust, right or wrong that people with higher incomes can buy better health care than people with low
- Q11E
Q11e. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - obyvateľmi chudobných a bohatých regiónov na Slovensku?
- Q11F
Q11f. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - mladou a staršou generáciou?
- Q11G
Q11g. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - Slovákmi a Maďarmi?
- Q11H
Q11h. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - Rómami a Nerómami?
- Q11I
Q11i. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - mužmi a ženami?
- Q11J
Q11j. Aké ostré sú konflikty na Slovensku medzi - medzi pracujúcimi a dôchodcami?
- Q14
Q14. Kam predpokladáte, že budete patriť Vy osobne asi tak o 5 rokov?
- Q15A
Q15a. Kam by ste sa v našej spoločnosti zaradili Vy osobne podľa vášho - vzdelania?
- Q15B
Q15b. Kam by ste sa v našej spoločnosti zaradili Vy osobne podľa vášho - osobného príjmu a majetku?
- Q15C
Q15c. Kam by ste sa v našej spoločnosti zaradili Vy osobne podľa vášho - prestíže / vážnosti povolania?
- Q15D
Q15d. Kam by ste sa v našej spoločnosti zaradili Vy osobne podľa vášho - ovládania svetových jazykov?
- Q15E
Q15e. Kam by ste sa v našej spoločnosti zaradili Vy osobne podľa vášho - životného štýlu?
- Q17G
Q17g. Ako dôležité by mali byť nasledujúce skutočnosti pri rozhodovaní o tom, koľko majú ľudia zarábať - či prácu vykoná
- Q17H
Q17h. Ako dôležité by mali byť nasledujúce skutočnosti pri rozhodovaní o tom, koľko majú ľudia zarábať - či práca vyžadu
- Q17I
Q17i. Ako dôležité by mali byť nasledujúce skutočnosti pri rozhodovaní o tom, koľko majú ľudia zarábať - koľko rokov je
- Q17J
Q17j. Ako dôležité by mali byť nasledujúce skutočnosti pri rozhodovaní o tom, koľko majú ľudia zarábať - akú hodnotu má
- Q17K
Q17k. Ako dôležité by mali byť nasledujúce skutočnosti pri rozhodovaní o tom, koľko majú ľudia zarábať - či vykonáva riz
- Q19C
Q19c. Ktorý typ diagramu a pripojeného opisu najlepšie charakterizuje: Ako podľa vášho názoru vyzeralo Slovensko pred 20
- Q29
Q29. A čo ak by sme z možnosti výberu odstránili robotnícku triedu, do ktorej spoločenskej triedy by ste sa zaradili ter
- Q30
Q30. Máte dobrých známych alebo priateľov aj z inej spoločenskej vrstvy ako z tej, do ktorej sa zaraďujete?
- Q33
Q33. Aké dôležité sú pre to, čo teraz robíte, znalosti a zručnosti, ktoré ste získali vzdelaním (v škole alebo v učení)?
- Q34
Q34. Prečo u nás niektorí ľudia žijú v biede? Uvádzame štyri možné dôvody. Vyberte jeden z nich, ktorý považujete za naj
- Q35
Q35. Skúste, prosím, povedať, ako vychádzate s vašim súčasným príjmom?
- Q36A
Q36a. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - vzdelanie?
- Q36B
Q36b. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - súčasné zamestnanie?
- Q36C
Q36c. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - súčasná životná úroveň?
- Q36D
Q36d. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - bývanie?
- Q36E
Q36e. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - rodinný život?
- Q36F
Q36f. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - zdravie?
- Q36G
Q36g. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - spoločenský život?
- Q36H
Q36h. Do akej miery ste spokojný/-á s nasledujúcimi skutočnosťami vo vašom živote - celkovo so životom?
- Q37
Q37. Vedeli by ste odhadnúť, koľko ľudí žijúcich vo Vašom susedstve má rovnakú alebo podobnú životnú úroveň ako vaša dom
- Q38A
Q38a. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - mo
- Q38B
Q38b. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - dr
- Q38C
Q38c. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - ho
- Q38D
Q38d. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - Ró
- Q38E
Q38e. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - Uk
- Q38F
Q38f. Na tomto zozname sú rôzne skupiny ľudí. Mohli by ste z nich vybrať takých, ktorých by ste nechceli za susedov - Je
- Q39A
Q39a. Ovplyvnila ekonomická kríza doteraz nejakým spôsobom vás alebo vašu domácnosť - v zamestnaní?
- Q39B
Q39b. Ovplyvnila ekonomická kríza doteraz nejakým spôsobom vás alebo vašu domácnosť - v podnikaní?
- Q39C
Q39c. Ovplyvnila ekonomická kríza doteraz nejakým spôsobom vás alebo vašu domácnosť - v príjmoch domácnosti?
- Q39D
Q39d. Ovplyvnila ekonomická kríza doteraz nejakým spôsobom vás alebo vašu domácnosť - vo výdavkoch domácnosti?
- Q39E
Q39e. Ovplyvnila ekonomická kríza doteraz nejakým spôsobom vás alebo vašu domácnosť - moje / naše životné plány?
- Q40A
Q40a. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - sporím, investujem usporené peniaze
- Q40B
Q40b. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - usilovne pracujem
- Q40C
Q40c. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - vzdelávam sa, učím sa nové veci
- Q40D
Q40d. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - hľadám a budujem si užitočné známosti, ko
- Q40E
Q40e. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - podnikám a rozvíjam svoje podnikanie
- Q40F
Q40f. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - učím sa cudzí jazyk
- Q40G
Q40g. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - vymýšľam a navrhujem nové veci alebo post
- Q40H
Q40h. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - zarábam / hľadám si prácu v zahraničí
- Q40I
Q40i. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - iná odpoveď
- Q40J
Q40j. Čo robíte v súčasnosti pre to, aby ste dosiahli vyššiu životnú úroveň? - nič z uvedeného, netýka sa ma
- Q41
Q41. Keď porovnáte celkovú životnú úroveň vašej domácnosti s domácnosťou, v ktorej ste žili pred 20 - 25 rokmi, povedali
- Q127
Q127. V politike sa často používajú pojmy ľavica a pravica. Kam by ste zaradili Vy sami seba na stupnici, kde číslo 1 pr
- Q128_1
Q128_1. Daň z príjmu by mala byť stanovená tak, aby tí, ktorí zarábajú viac ... A:neplatili vyššie percento z príjmu v p
- Q128_2
Q128_2. Vláda by mala pri svojich rozhodnutiach ... A:viac myslieť na strednú triedu v spoločnosti, než na chudobných al
- Q128_3
Q128_3. V prípade neželaného tehotenstva ... A:interrupcia by nemala byť povolená za žiadnych okolností alebo B:žena by
- Q128_4
Q128_4. Homosexuálny pár, ktorý žije spolu dlhodobo... A:mal by mať možnosť získať úradné uznanie svojho partnerstva ale
Variables in variable group "Environment_ISSP 2010":- Q42
Q42. Which of these issues is the most important for Slovakia?
- Q43
Q43. Which is the next most important?
- Q44
Q44. Looking at the list below, tick a box next to the one thing you think should be Slovakia highest priority, the most
- Q45
Q45. And which one do you think should be Slovakia next highest priority, the second most important thing it should do?
- Q46
Q46. Generaly speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or than you cant be too careful in dealing with p
- Q47
Q47. Generally speaking, do you think that most people would you try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, or
- Q48A
Q48a. Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right.
- Q48B
Q48b. Most politicians are in politics only for what they can get out of it personally.
- Q49
Q49. Generally speaking, how concerned are you about environmental issues?
- Q50
Q50. Which problem, if any do you think is the most important for Slovakia as whole?
- Q51
Q51.Which problem, if any, affects you and your family the most?
- Q52
Q52. How much do you feel you know about the causes of these sorts of environmental problems?
- Q53
Q53. And how much do you feel you know about solutions to these sorts of environmental problems?
- Q54A
- Q54B
Q54b. Overall, modern science does more harm than good.
- Q54C
Q54c. Modern science will solve our environmental problems with little change to our way of life.
- Q55A
Q55a. We worry too much about the future of the environment and not enough about prices and jobs today.
- Q55B
Q55b. Almost everything we do in modern life harms the nvironment.
- Q55C
Q55c. People worry too much about human progress harming the environment.
- Q56A
Q56a. In order to protect the environment Slovakia needs economic growth.
- Q56B
Q56b. Economic growth always harms the environment.
- Q56C
Q56c. The earth simply cannot continue to support population growth at its present rate.
- Q57
Q57. How willing would you be to pay much higher prices in order to protect the environment?
- Q58
Q58. And how willing would you be to pay much higher taxes in order to protect the environment?
- Q59
Q59. And how willing would you be to accept cuts in your standard of living in order to protect the environment?
- Q60A
Q60a. It is just too difficult for someone like me to do much about the environment.
- Q60B
Q60b. I do what is right for the environment, even when it costs more money or takes more time.
- Q60C
Q60c. There are more important things to do in life than protect the environment.
- Q60D
Q60d. There is no point in doing what I can for the environment unless others do the same.
- Q60E
Q60e. Many of the claims about environmental threats are exaggerated.
- Q60F
Q60f. I find it hard to know whether the way I live is helpful or harmful to the environment.
- Q60G
Q60g. Environmental problems have a direct effect on my everyday life.
- Q61
Q61. In general, do you think that air pollution caused by cars is ...
- Q62
Q62. In general, do you think that air pollution caused by industry is ...
- Q63
Q63. And do you think that pesticides and chemicals used in farming are ...
- Q64
Q64. And do you think that pollution of Slovakias rivers, lakes and streams is ...
- Q65
Q65. In general, do you think that a rise in the world's temperature caused by climate change is ......
- Q66
Q66. And do you think that modifying the genes of certain crops is ...
- Q67
Q67. And do you think that nuclear power stations are ...
- Q68
Q68. If you had to choose, which one of the following would be closest to your views?
- Q69
Q69. If you had to choose, which one of the following would be closest to your views?
- Q70
Q70. Some countries are doing more to protect the world environment than other countries are. In general, do you think t
- Q71
Q71. Which of these approaches do you think would be the best way of getting business and industry in Slovakia to protec
- Q72
Q72. Which of these approaches do you think would be the best way of getting people and their families in Slovakia to pr
- Q73
Q73. To which of the following should Slovakia give priority in order to meet its future energy needs?
- Q75A
Q75a. For environmental problems, there should be international agreements that Slovakia and other countries should be m
- Q75B
Q75b. Poorer countries should be expected to make less effort than richer countries to protect the environment.
- Q75C
Q75c. Economic progress in Slovakia will slow down unless we look after the environment better.
- Q76
Q76. How often do you make a special effort to sort glass or tins or plastic or newspapers and so on for recycling?
- Q77
Q77. How often do you make a special effort to buy fruit and vegetables grown without pesticides or chemicals?
- Q78
Q78. And how often do you cut back on driving a car for environmental reasons?
- Q79
Q79. How often do you reduce the energy or fuel you use at home for environmental reasons?
- Q80
Q80. And how often do you choose to save or re-use water for environmental reasons?
- Q81
Q81. And how often do you avoid buying certain products for environmental reasons?
- Q82
Q82. Are you a member of any group whose main aim is to preserve or protect the environment?
- Q83A
Q83a. In the last five years, have you - signed a petition about an environmental issue?
- Q83B
Q83b. In the last five years, have you - given money to an environmental group?
- Q83C
Q83c. In the last five years, have you - taken part in a protest or demonstration about an environmental issue?
- Q84A
Q84a. Which of these statement are closest to your opinion of how true is it: Climate change is caused by a hole in the
- Q84B
Q84b. Which of these statement are closest to your opinion of how true is it: Every time we use coal or oil or gas, we c
Variables in variable group "Environment Slovakia":Variables in variable group "Political Behaviour and Religion":Variables in variable group "Socio-economic Status of Respondent":- Q92
Q92. How many full years of schooling or education have you had?
- Q93
Q93. What is the highest level of education that you have attained?
- Q94
Q94. Aký typ vzdelania ste získali?
- Q95
Q95. Are you currently working for pay, have you worked for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work?
- Q96
Q96. How many hours, on average, do you usually work for pay in a normal week, including overtime?
- Q97
Q97. Are/ were you an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family's business?
- Q98
Q98. How many employees do/ did you have, not counting yourself?
- Q99
Q99. Do you supervise other workers or are/ were you responsible for the work of others?
- Q100
Q100. How many employees are/ were you responsible for supervising?
- Q101
Q101. Would you say that the organisation/firm you work/ed for is profit-oriented, or is it not?
- Q102
Q102. Do/did you work for a public or a private employer?
- Q103
Q103. What is/was your occupation - i.e., what is/was the name or title of your main job?
- Q104
Q104. Which of these descriptions best describes your current situation?
- Q122
Q122. Aký je v súčasnosti Váš osobný čistý mesačný príjem, keď do neho zahrniete svoju mzdu, dôchodok, hodnotu stravných
- Q123
Q123. Aký je čistý mesačný príjem všetkých členov Vašej domácnosti spolu, keď do neho zahrniete mzdy, dôchodky, štipendi
Variables in variable group "Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondent":Variables in variable group "Data on Partner and Family of Respondent":- Q105
Q105. Do you have a spouse or a steady partner and if yes, do you share the same household?
- Q106
Q106. Is your spouse/partner currently working for pay, has he/she worked for pay in the past, or has he/she never been
- Q107
Q107. How many hours, on average, does your spouse/partner usually work for pay in a normal week, including overtime?
- Q108
Q108. Is/was your spouse/partner an employee, self-employed, or working for his/her own family's business?
- Q109
Q109. Does/did your spouse/partner supervise other workers or is/was your spouse/partner responsible for the work of oth
- Q110
Q110. What is/was your spouse/partner's occupation - i.e., what is/was the name or title of his/her main job?
- Q111
Q111. Aké je najvyššie ukončené vzdelanie Vášho partnera(ky)/manžela(ky)?
- Q112
Q112. Which of these descriptions best describes your spouse/partner's current situation?
- Q119
Q119. Including yourself, how many people - including children - usually live in your private household?
- Q120
Q120. How many children between 6 - 17 years of age usually live in your household?
- Q121
Q121. How many children up to the age of 6 years usually live in your household?
- Q124
Q124. What is your current legal marital status?
Variables in variable group "Questionary for interwiever":Variables in variable group "Additional and Others Variables":Variables not belonging to any variable group:All variables are part of a variable group.