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Data catalogue

Collective Identities in Contemporary Slovakia 2003
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Details for variable A22_2

Name: A22_2
Variable label: Please, choose from the list no more than three personalities that you respect most

Literal question:

22. The following list consists of several publicly known personalities from distant or recent history or even from the present. Please, choose from the list no more than three personalities that you respect most!

LabelValue Frequency*%*
Maria Theresa1363.18
Sandor Petofi2232.03
Lajos Kossuth3474.16
Ľudovít Štúr411610.26
Andrej Hlinka5332.92
Tomas G.Masaryk6544.77
Milan R.Štefánik719517.24
Milan Hodža880.71
Jozef Tiso970.62
Edvard Beneš1070.62
bishop Vojtašák11292.56
bishop Gojdič12252.21
general Golian1370.62
Alexander Dubček1424421.57
Gustáv Husák15131.15
Václav Havel16453.98
Vladimír Mečiar17453.98
cardinal Korec18443.89
Jozef Lettrich1920.18
I don't respect any of these personalities6600
I know at least some of them, but can't choose7700
don't know any of them8800
refuse to answer9900

Summary statistics

Total Responses: 1131
Valid: 980
Min. / max. value: 1 / 19
Mean / standard deviation: 9.56531 / 5.09249

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*Caution: Frequencies and percentages are calculated from unweighted data. If data were not collected using quota sampling, there could be significant differences between those unweighted values and the representative weighted figures.
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(c) Slovak Archive of Social Data, 2004 - 2024