Data Data catalogue Appropriate ways of spending leisure time for young people to prevent different types of addiction study description | list of variables | data access Details for variable T34 Name: T34 Variable label: Zapojenie respondenta do charitatívnej činnosti Literal question: Uvedený druh reklamy často vyzýva ľudí, aby sa zapojili do nejakej akcie, napr. projekt Hodina deťom vyzýval, aby ľudia prispeli deťom, Sloboda zvierat vyzýva ľudí, aby prispeli na útulok pre zvieratá Zapojil /a/ si sa už Ty niekedy do takejto akcie?
Summary statistics Total Responses: Valid: 1292 Min. / max. value: 24 / Mean / standard deviation: /
*Caution: Frequencies and percentages are calculated from unweighted data. If data were not collected using quota sampling, there could be significant differences between those unweighted values and the representative weighted figures. |