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EES - European Election Study 2004
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Details for variable Q01

Name: Q01
Variable label: most important problem

Literal question:

Of those you have mentioned what would you say is the single most important problem?

see codebook 1
see codebook 2
see codebook 3
see codebook 4
see codebook 5
see codebook 6
see codebook 7
see codebook 8
see codebook 9
european elections: election and voting procedure 10
european elections: candidates, parties, images 11
european elections: campaign strategies 12
european elections: advertising, commercials 13
european elections: polls and surveys 14
european elections: electoral results of parties/candidates 15
european elections: turnout 16
european elections: list of party positions on issues 17
european elections: formal, public debates 18
other eu election-related topic 19
national elections in eu countries 20
national elections in non-eu countries 21
the government (generic response) 25
other topic related to elections 29
stock market 30
budget of a community 31
business 32
competition policy 33
consumer policy 34
debt (public) 35
the euro and its introduction 36
inflation 37
pensions, retirement 38
taxes 39
trade (international) 40
unemployment, jobs, employment 41
wages and earnings 42
welfare policy 43
the economy (generic response) 45
other topics in the area of the economy or economic policy 49
agriculture, fisheries 50
political corruption, fraud 51
courts, trials, court decisions 52
crime prevention policy, law and order 53
cultural policy 54
defense and national security 55
drugs, drug policy 56
education 57
science: earth, physics, geology, astronomy, space research 58
science: medical and pharmaceutical research 59
environment 60
energy 61
eu evolution (enlargement, integration) 62
eu institutions 63
eu politics in general 64
foreign policy, relations between states 65
food safety 66
genetic foods 67
health care: regulations and reforms 68
housing 69
information (including media policy) 70
infrastructure, traffic, transports 71
inter- and intra-party conflicts 72
kosovo 73
middle-east peace process 74
politics of migration/immigration 75
politics of minorities/integration 76
regional politics 77
terrorism 78
violent conflicts (except kosovo) 79
human rights 80
other social conflicts, problems 81
peace/war 85
democracy 86
public administration/bureaucracy 87
norms and values 88
other political topic 89
accidents 90
crime stories 91
culture 92
human interest (soft news) 93
(natural) disasters 94
religion 95
sports 96
weather 97
any other topic 98
dk 998
n/a 999

Summary statistics

Total Responses: 1063
Valid: 1031
Min. / max. value: 25 / 89

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(c) Slovak Archive of Social Data, 2004 - 2024