Data Data catalogue How Are You, Slovakia?, July 2022 study description | list of variables | data access Details for variable Q8 Name: Q8 Variable label: Predstavte si, prosím, že by sa parlamentné voľby na Slovensku konali na budúci víkend. Zúčastnili by ste sa ich? Literal question: Predstavte si, prosím, že by sa parlamentné voľby na Slovensku konali na budúci víkend. Zúčastnili by ste sa ich?
Summary statistics Total Responses: Valid: 1000 Min. / max. value: 0 / Mean / standard deviation: /
*Caution: Frequencies and percentages are calculated from unweighted data. If data were not collected using quota sampling, there could be significant differences between those unweighted values and the representative weighted figures. |