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ISSP Slovakia 2021
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Identification Number: SASD 2021007
Author: Bahna, Miloslav, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Klobucký, Robert, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Zeman, Milan, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Zagrapan, Jozef, Institute for Sociology of SAS; Sopóci, Ján, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava; Džambazovič, Roman, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava; Gyárfášová, Oľga, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
Date of collection: 2021-11-21 to 2022-04-25
Data collector: MEDIAN SK, s.r.o.
Sampling procedure: A combination of random stratified random sampling of 100 primary sampling units (8 counties x three residence-size categories) and a random walk at the collection site to select households was used for data collection. The respondent within the household was selected using the nearest birthday method. An official letter was distributed to respondents in the data collection areas. This was an information document that described the details of the research and its implementation in the area. Respondents who participated in the interview received a small financial reward.
Number of cases: 1013

Abstract: The research consists of two main parts: 1) ISSP Eenvironment - this research module was conducted in Slovakia for the second time. The survey examines the opinions and attitudes of citizens on topics such as: The most important problems in Slovakia, the most serious environmental problems, knowledge of the causes and possible solutions to environmental problems, the relationship between science and the environment, the willingness to contribute to environmental protection, the degree of danger of specific environmental problems, the importance and effective options for environmental protection, the preferred energy sources, the respondents' specific behaviour towards environmental protection, climate change as well as interpersonal trust or trust in politicians, 2) ISSP Health and health care - this module was implemented for the second time within the ISSP in Slovakia. It focuses on exploring two main thematic areas: a) health status and health care, b) views on the health system and its functioning. The first area includes questions related to the respondent's health status, health care, access to and use of health services, views on health, illness and treatment. The second area consists of questions related to respondents' views on the health system and its functioning, trust in the health system as well as satisfaction with the health system. This ISSP module also covers the topic of vaccination and the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey also includes questions supplemented by the Slovak ISSP team on the topic of human-animal relations as well as several methodological experiments.

Citation: Bahna, Miloslav; Klobucký, Robert; Zeman, Milan; Zagrapan, Jozef; Sopóci, Ján; Džambazovič, Roman; Gyárfášová, Oľga. ISSP Slovensko 2021. [dátový súbor]. Slovenský archív sociálnych dát, 2023. SASD2021007. Verzia 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34877/sasd-2021007.
Availability status: O files accessible "online" on the internet, their use is valid under standard conditions

Other Study-Related Materials:Related Publications:Data access request form can be found here.

The complete documentation in DDI format can be found here.
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