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Názory na spoločenské zmeny 1993
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Details for variable p48

Name: p48
Variable label: o48 Obávate sa Vy osobne nezamestnanosti?

Literal question:

Obávate sa Vy osobne nezamestnanosti

LabelValue Frequency*%*
0 3 0.25
Áno, myslím, že čoskoro budem nezamestnaný 1 102 8.34
Áno, i ked asi nie v najbližšej dobe 2 161 13.16
Neviem, stať sa môže všetko 3 393 32.13
Asi nie 4 112 9.16
Určite nie 5 90 7.36
Sysmiss 362 29.6

Summary statistics

Total Responses:
Valid: 861
Min. / max. value: 362 / 0
Mean / standard deviation: 5 /

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*Caution: Frequencies and percentages are calculated from unweighted data. If data were not collected using quota sampling, there could be significant differences between those unweighted values and the representative weighted figures.
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