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Data catalogue

EES - European Election Study 2004
study description | list of variables | data access

Details for variable D04A

Name: D04A
Variable label: in which country born

Literal question:

In which country were you born?

country 1
other country 1 2
other country 2 3
other country 3 4
other country 4 5
other country 5 6
other country 6 7
other country 7 8
other country 8 9
other country 9 10
other country 10 11
other country 11 12
other country 12 13
other country 13 14
other country 14 15
other country 15 16
other country 16 17
other country 17 18
other country 18 19
other country 19 20
other country 20 21
other country 21 22
other country 22 23
other country 23 24
other country 24 25
other country 25 26
other country 26 27
other country 27 28
other country 28 29
other country 29 30
other country 30 31
other country 32 32
other country 33 33
other country 34 34
other country 35 35
other country 36 36
other country 37 37
other country 38 38
other country 39 39
other country 40 40
other country 41 41
other country 42 42
other country 43 43
dk 98
na 99

Summary statistics

Total Responses: 1063
Valid: 1063
Min. / max. value: 1 / 99

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(c) Slovak Archive of Social Data, 2004 - 2024