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ISSP na Slovensku 2006 - 2008
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Details for variable C2C

Name: C2C
Variable label: Q2c: National anti-government strike

Literal question:

There are many ways people or organisations can protest against a government action they strongly oppose. Please show which you think should be allowed and which should not be allowed by ticking a box on each line.
Organising a nationwide strike of all workers against the government

LabelValue Frequency*%*
Definitely allowed 1 241 21.18
Probably allowed 2 409 35.94
Probably not allowed 3 237 20.83
Definitely not allowed 4 119 10.46
Cant choose 8 113 9.93
NA 9 19 1.67

Summary statistics

Total Responses: 1138
Valid: 1138
Min. / max. value: 1 / 9
Mean / standard deviation: 2.91828 / 2.09565

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*Caution: Frequencies and percentages are calculated from unweighted data. If data were not collected using quota sampling, there could be significant differences between those unweighted values and the representative weighted figures.
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(c) Slovak Archive of Social Data, 2004 - 2024