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The relationship of the Slovak population to music The relationship of the Slovak population to music
study description | list of variables | data access

Identification Number: SSSD 2001002
Author: Národné osvetové centrum
Date of collection: 2001-04-01 to 2001-04-30
Data collector:
Sampling procedure: Quota sampling
Number of cases: 1110

Abstract: The survey ran within a cycle of five surveys titled: Perception of Art in Slovakia after 2000. The objective was to map the extent of people's relationships to various music genres at several levels. Based on predefined criteria, the introductory question measured the intensity of respondents' interest in individual types of art (intense, average, little, or no interest). The study primarily examined the following areas: the popularity of music genres, frequency of attendance at music events, preference in music perception (in public spaces, at home and elsewhere, listening to music from the media, etc.), level of respondents' musical skills, information sources on music life, respondents' knowledge of music (titles of songs and operas, ability to identify composers and artists), attendance at music festivals, willingness to invest in listening to music (attendance at music events), access to the presentation of music events, reasons for no interest in music. The survey was carried out via a network of interviewers on a sample of 1110 respondents using the quota characteristics of gender, age, education, the size of the settlement, nationality, district, region as well as economic status, and religious denomination.

Citation: Národné osvetové centrum. Vzťah obyvateľov Slovenskej republiky k hudbe. [dátový súbor]. Bratislava: Slovenský archív sociálnych dát, 2023. SASD2001002. Verzia 1.0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34877/sasd-2001002.
Availability status: O - prístupný pre verejnosť

Other Study-Related Materials:Related Publications:
  • PhDr. Miloslav Blahynka, PhD., PhDr. Ľubor Hallon, CSc.:Vzťah obyvateľov Slovenskej republiky k hudbe. Záverečná správa z výskumu verejnej mienky, Národné osvetové centrum v Bratislave - Kabinet výskumu verejnej mienky a Hudobné centrum, Bratislava, 2001, 27 s.
Data access request form can be found here.

The complete documentation in DDI format can be found here.
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